Kenya tackles absenteeism among schoolgirls with free sanitary towels

Kenya's President, Uhuru Kenyatta, signing the bill into law. Photo courtesy

To address schoolgirls’ absenteeism, Kenya is providing free sanitary towels

The government of Kenya is duty-bound by law to provide free sanitary towels to schoolgirls that have reached puberty, according to a new signed by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The new law aims to lower the incidence of absenteeism among schoolgirls in Kenya since the menstrual cycle has been reported to be responsible for absenteeism. This move aims to put Kenya’s schoolgirls at par with their male counterparts.

The free sanitary towels rule is a part of the Basic Education Amendment Act that saddles the government with the task of providing free, sufficient and quality sanitary towels that will reduce the number of girls missing school during their menstrual cycle.

The new law also compels the government to provide a safe and environmentally sound mechanism for disposal of the sanitary towels.

The law states: “The Basic Education Amendment Act amends Basic Education Act, placing the responsibility of providing free, sufficient and quality sanitary towels to every girl child registered and enrolled in a public basic education institution and has reached puberty, on the government.”

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