How junk foods affect your health

Many people eat junk foods but are not aware of effects on their health, Livingstone Imonitie reports

Many people know that junk foods are bad but few are aware of their real impacts on health

A lot of people consume junk foods but are not aware of its side effect on their health. There is an increasingly concerning rate at which people all over the world consume junk foods which appears to be increasing daily. And concerns about the negative health effects resulting from junk food, especially obesity have resulted in public health awareness campaigns and restrictions on advertising and sale in several countries.

Junk food is a term used to describe foods with little nutritional value. Foods that have high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little fibre, protein, vitamins or minerals can be described as junk food. Examples of junk foods include salty snacks, candy, soft drinks, ice cream, bakery goods, many sugar laden desserts and fried fast food.

When junk food is consumed very often, the excess fat, simple carbohydrates, and processed sugar found in junk food contributes to an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and many other chronic health conditions.

Children who eat fast food as a regular part of their diets consume more fat, carbohydrates and processed sugar and less fiber than those who do not eat fast food regularly. Junk food in these children accounts for 187 extra calories per day, leading to 6 additional pounds of weight gain per year. Also the insulin levels became elevated when processed sugars such as soft drinks and other food devoid of fiber and nutrients necessary to properly metabolize carbohydrate are taken regularly.

Excess consumption of trans fats found in fried and processed foods can send mixed signals to the brain which makes it difficult to process what you have eaten and how hungry you are. This is probably why you end up overeating. Healthy brain functions require a daily dose of essential fatty acids like omega-6 and omega-3. Deficiency of these two elements increases the risk of attention deficit disorder, dementia and bipolar disorder and other brain-related problems.

In nutrient deficiencies, the processing that removes vitamins, minerals and fiber makes junk foods into the sources of empty calories that nutritionists disparage. Those who eat a lot of junk foods may develop nutritional deficiencies that lead to low energy, mood swings, sleep disturbance and poor academic achievement, among other health conditions according to the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension.

It is scientifically believed that the more junk food an individual consumes, the less likely the person will consume the essential nutrients that the body relies on.

Fast foods are specially designed to be additive in nature with high levels of salts, sugar and fats that make you crave for them. The additive nature of fast food can make the brain to crave them even when an individual not hungry.

“No matter how busy or occupied you are, you should try to stay away from junk foods and eat good food so as not to create problems for yourself,” expert advices.

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