In Abuja, residents vehemently oppose abortion took to the streets of Abuja to gauge public perception of Abuja. The results were one-sided

In Nigeria and across the world, abortion is a simple yet complex and divisive topic with millions of individuals on both sides of the topic. It is worthy to note that seeking and carrying out abortion are illegal in Nigeria even though the practice still exists. took to the streets of Abuja to hear people’s views on the subject of abortion.

Several Abuja residents described abortion as killing young developing foetus in the womb by ladies who practice prostitution for financial gains. Some also described the practice as an avenue to promote promiscuous sexual activities among adolescents girls and ladies who feel that with abortion in place, they are protected from having babies that they are not prepared to take care of.

Others in their opinions also condemned the act in strong terms most especially if done for wrong motives and by quacks since professionally trained medical practitioners will not perform the procedures, leaving the market wide open for those that do it for financial gains at the detriment of the lives of the women.

In Nigeria, abortion can only be performed when  the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life, if the mental or physical health of the woman or that of her existing children is at risk, or there is a substantial risk of deformity to the baby.

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